Hamilton was killed in 1804 by Vice President Aaron Burr during a duel.
A sign appeared to the Roman Emperor Constantine as a light in the noon-day sky. At the same time, he heard the words, "In Hoc Signo Vinces." He took this as a sign from God and decided the shape drawn by the light should be an emblem for his military.
Space fantasy Star Wars opens on this day in 1977. The film became one of the most popular movies of all time, breaking box office records. Filmmaker George Lucas was nominated for Best Director and Best Screenwriter Oscars, and the film won seven Oscars for technical achievements and its musical score, written by John Williams.
I was six years old when I saw this movie. The entire Hopper Clan went stood in line for what seemed like hours at the Cooper 6, downtown Denver, CO. I remember sitting in the smoke (you could smoke in the movie theater at the time) filled balcony section of the theater. Stadium seating, surround sound, a "gi-normous" movie screen accompanied by pretty state-of-the-art special effects, cool plot, blasters, aliens, interstellar space travel via light speed, made this space opera come to life; a remarkable accomplishmentThe battle of