More disheartening news from the Caucasus...
POTI, Georgia — Thousands of Georgians angry at the presence of Russian troops on the outskirts of the strategic Black Sea port of Poti took to the streets Saturday, waving Georgian flags and urging the Russians to leave. The protest came as a top Russian general said his country's forces would keep patrolling Poti even though it lies outside the areas where Russia claims it has the right to station soldiers in Georgia.
"Russian military: You are not a liberating military, you are an occupying force," one man was heard shouting.
On Friday, Russia said it had pulled back forces from Georgia in accordance with a EU-brokered cease-fire agreement. Russia, though, interprets the accord as allowing it to keep a substantial military presence in Georgia — a point hotly disputed by the United States, France and Britain.
A concerned U.S. Citizen weighs in...
South Ossetia conflict: Concerned US citizen gets her Georgias confused
A concerned citizen calling herself Jessica B has written a post on the comments section of the website Yahoo, saying "I live in georegia but i dont see rusia no where not even sound but they says theres tanks should i be worrie”.
“i herd on the news that rusia has invaded but i dont see them no where wats going on," she continued.
Her mind was presumably put at ease by a fellow contributor, who reassured her with the words "You are in the state of Georgia. The nation of Georgia is on the other side of the world".
Jessica B's fears are allayed: Russia has invaded a different Georgia.
This is too good to be true; probably a hoax- nevertheless, pretty funny. I wonder how many Americans could point either Georgia out on a map, or name their capitals.