I read where a fellow follower of Jesus Christ claimed that Obama was her moral choice for president. She based her decision on the candidate's stance on the Iraq war, fighting poverty, and several other positions. She also wrote: 'although not happy about his stance on abortion, still found him as the moral choice.'
I was surprised about this. It echoes of the classic abortion mitigating strategy: 'I'm personally oposed to abortion but...'
So, here's the reason why Obama is NOT my moral choice for president:
1. His stance on abortion is immoral. He voted against the Illinois Senate Bill 1095-Born Alive Infant Protection Act whic only illustrates one aspect of his anti-life stance. Now if you don't see murdering a human being, no matter the location, as not a moral issue, then it's a non-issue for you. However, this is not a biblical Christian view.
2. His pro-socialist/marxist stance. I still can't figure out why modern day liberals have this love affair with communists (they were in love with Uncle Joe--Joe Stalin and still defend him as if he was Mother Teresa). It is a suprise to most voters that Obama has ties to members of the radical left (read, socialists and communists). The Communist Party USA recently endorsed him for president and he has ties to socialist-marxist radicals such as Bill Ayers.
"Our time has come...I can see a role for the Communist Party USA in the next period." Those words from Libero Della Piana, an operative speaking at the headquarters of the Communist Party USA and eagerly anticipating an Obama presidency.
I do not want to commit the logical fallacy of 'guilt by association;' however, one writer noted, relevant associations do matter and context is everything. Moreover, my mother and father told me on numerous occasions during my youth, 'you are judged by the company you keep.' Who can argue with your parents?
Additionally, his 'spread the wealth' comment is very telling of his socialist-marxist proclivity. Karl would be proud...

The power elites which include liberal democratic party members, keep all of their money and take the working classes money and 'share' it with the non-working class which only creates more poverty and gives no incentive to work harder or even work at all. Good policy.
Why is it that former Soviet-Bloc countries are turning towards democracy and capitalism?
Communism has never worked in any country in which it has been tried. In practice, Communism — the ultimate goal of liberalism — affords everything to and for the power elite and little to nothing for everyone else. It also does away with the concept of meritocracy — unless of course one is a member of the aforementioned power elite. However, more and more this is what Democrat presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama seems to be proposing.
Comrade Commisar Obama is not my moral choice for president.
Obama-Marxist rhetoric: http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/13/obama-plumber-plan-spread-wealth/
Communist Manifesto: http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/classics/manifesto.html
Das Kapital complete version: http://www.bibliomania.com/2/1/261/1294/frameset.html