I consider myself an average hunter, who doesn't get to hunt too often. I've actually taken a liking to pheasant hunting, however; I grew up bow hunting White tail deer in the
I miss those days. Our entire hunting trips had all the planning of a big-time military operation, all the equipment to go with it (I'll never forget the pain that goes into setting up a General Purpose Medium Tent) and I'll never forget my Uncle Dan (Linus), who would leave at before morning nautical twilight (BMNT) and return just after early evening nautical twilight (EENT), and always return empty handed. We affectionately referred to his expeditions as 'Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin.' We all were a motley crew, a modern day Rat Patrol. Good times.
My pastors, who live in
Recently another Politically Incorrect Guide has come out. This one is a guide to hunting. I haven't read the book but suspect that it'll be pretty good. I own a few of the guides and enjoy referring back to them every now and then. This one is written by Frank Miniter, a senior editor at Outdoor Life magazine and executive editor of American Hunter magazine. In an interview Mr. Miniter states,
"After more than a decade of researching and writing about hunting for Outdoor Life magazine, where I was a senior editor, and currently for American Hunter magazine, I've found that hunters are unheralded, misunderstood environmentalists. It was time for someone to journalistically find out what hunting does for wildlife, our ecosystems, and us. That is what I set out to do with The Politically Incorrect Guide to Hunting."
I am convinced that the "Rat Patrol" and Pastors Tony and Nathan are unheralded, misunderstood environmentalists.
Finally, someone speaks out for us! I prefer to think of myself as more of a conservationist than an environmentalist. Another title I will gladly accept is "Population Control Specialist".
I actually have not taken my buck this year...yet...I have a goal in mind, size-wise, and have yet to have that deer cross my path. I will be taking does for the remainer of the season and hope that "my" buck comes along soon.
I thought you both got yours this season. So, Nathan has the lead. I know you're not a quitter, and will get your 'prized' buck soon.
Nathan doesn't mind shooting fawns...heck, he'll shoot a baby deer while it's still coming out of it's momma!
So, he's a Bambi killer.
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