battle game set in the steam-powered fantasy world of the Iron Kingdoms™.

In WARMACHINE®, the very earth shakes during fierce confrontations where six-ton constructs of tempered iron and steel slam into one another with the destructive force of a locomotive, where lead-spewing cannons chew through armor plating as easily as flesh, and where a tempest of arcane magics sets the battlefield ablaze with such Armageddon-like proportions that the gods themselves fear to tread such tormented ground!
The Iron Kingdoms™, an environment that combines the best of traditional fantasy with steam-power and gunpowder. Across the realm, ancient rivalries among nations are exploding into all-out conflict. Players take on the role of an elite soldier-sorcerer known as a warcaster. While a warcaster is a formidable force on the battlefield, their true strength is in their ability to magically control and coordinate the actions of their mighty warjacks—steam-powered combat automatons that represent the pinnacle of military might in the Iron Kingdoms. A "Redeemer" warjack from the Protectorate of Menoth (my favorite faction):
Each warjack is a fifteen foot tall ironclad behemoth, a coal-fired engine of destruction with a primitive magical brain. On its own a warjack is capable of only the most rudimentary actions, but when controlled by a warcaster its efficiency and deadliness increase dramatically. Warcaster "High Exemplar Kreoss":The primary rulebook for the game is Warmachine Prime Remix. The miniatures are sold individually or in box sets so you can build unique armies. Additionally, you have to paint the miniatures. So, the game also serves as a collectible hobby for modelers. Finally, the legend and lore behind the "world" and factions is fun to read. I haven't played the game yet but it looks to be fun. I figure I'll find some time after a hard day's work to get together with Mike and other "gamers" and put the smack-down on their armies...after I build my indestructible and unstoppable army.
Victory shall favor the bold! So bring it on, if you’ve got the metal.
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